Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அலை, நுரை நீர்த்தடம், ஓத நீர்த்திரை, கடல்நுரைத்திரள், பொங்கோதம், அலை பொங்குங் கடற்கரை நீர்ப்பரப்பு.

Surf, n. Etym: [Formerly spelled suffe, and probably the same word as E. sough.] Defn: The swell of the sea which breaks upon the shore, esp. upon a sloping beach. Surf bird (Zoöl.), a ploverlike bird of the genus Aphriza, allied to the turnstone. -- Surf clam (Zoöl.), a large clam living on the open coast, especially Mactra, or Spisula, solidissima. See Mactra. -- Surf duck (Zoöl.), any one of several species of sea ducks of the genus Oidemia, especially O. percpicillata; -- called also surf scoter. See the Note under Scoter. -- Surf fish (Zoöl.), any one of numerous species of California embiotocoid fishes. See Embiotocoid. -- Surf smelt. (Zoöl.) See Smelt. -- Surf whiting. (Zoöl.) See under Whiting. Surf, n. Defn: The bottom of a drain. [Prov. Eng.]

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