Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. வாய் கொள்ளுமளவுள்ள நீமம், (வினை.) தேநீர் முதலியவற்றை உறிஞ்சிக்குடி, கரண்டியிலெடுத்துச் சிறிது சிறதாகக் குடி, இரவுணவு அருந்து, இரவுணவாகக் கொள், இராச்சாப்பாடு வழங்கு, உணவு வகையில் இரவுணவாக அமைவுறு.

Sup, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Supped; p. pr. & vb. n. Supping.] Etym: [OE. soupen to drink, AS. s; akin to D. zuipen, G. saufen, OHG. s, Icel. s, Sw. supa, Dan. söbe. Cf. Sip, Sop, Soup, Supper.] Defn: To take into the mouth with the lips, as a liquid; to take or drink by a little at a time; to sip. There I'll sup Balm and nectar in my cup. Crashaw. Sup, n. Defn: A small mouthful, as of liquor or broth; a little taken with the lips; a sip. Tom Thumb had got a little sup. Drayton. Sup, v. i. Etym: [See Supper.] Defn: To eat the evening meal; to take supper. I do entreat that we may sup together. Sup, v. t. Defn: To treat with supper. [Obs.] Sup them well and look unto them all. Shak.

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