Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. செறிவான, செறிக்கப்பெற்ற, சுருக்கமான, மணிச்சுருக்கமான.



Suc*cinct", a. Etym: [L. succinctus, p.p. of succingere to gird below or from below, to tuck up; sub + cingere to gird. Cf. Cincture.] 1. Girded or tucked up; bound; drawn tightly together. His habit fit for speed succinct. Milton. 2. Compressed into a narrow compass; brief; concise. Let all your precepts be succinct and clear. Roscommon. The shortest and most succinct model that ever grasped all the needs and necessities of mankind. South. Syn. -- Short; brief; concise; summary; compendious; laconic; terse. -- Suc*cinct"ly, adv. -- Suc*cinct"ness, n.

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