Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. கழி, நீக்கு, அகற்ற, பிரித்தெடு, பின்வாங்கிக்கொள், தொகையிலிருந்து பகுதியை எடுத்துவிடு.



Sub*tract", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Subtracted; p. pr. & vb. n. Subtracting.] Etym: [L. subtractus, p.p. of subtrahere to draw from beneath, withdraw, remove; sub under + trahere to draw. See Trace, v. t., and cf. Substract.] Defn: To withdraw, or take away, as a part from the whole; to deduct; as, subtract 5 from 9, and the remainder is 4.

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