Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. உட்பொருள், தொக்கு, நிற்கும் கருத்து, உட்கருத்து, சுட்டுப்பொருள், முக்கியத்துவம், சிறப்புக்கூறு, இறக்குமதி.-2 v. இறக்கமதி செய், பொருள்சுட்டு, பொருள் குறிப்பிடு, பொருள்கொள், தெரிவி, தெரியப்படுத்து, நலங்களைப் பாதித்தல் செய், முக்கியத்துவமுடையதாக இரு.



Im*port", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Imported; p. pr. & vb. n. Importing.] Etym: [L. importare to bring in, to occasion, to cause; pref. im- in + portare to bear. Sense 3 comes through F. importer, from the Latin. See Port demeanor.] 1. To bring in from abroad; to introduce from without; especially, to bring (wares or merchandise) into a place or country from a foreign country, in the transactions of commerce; -- opposed to export. We import teas from China, coffee from Brasil, etc. 2. To carry or include, as meaning or intention; to imply; to signify. Every petition . . . doth . . . always import a multitude of speakers together. Hooker. 3. To be of importance or consequence to; to have a bearing on; to concern. I have a motion much imports your good. Shak. If I endure it, what imports it you Dryden. Syn. -- To denote; mean; sighify; imply; indicate; betoken; interest; concern. Im*port", v. i. Defn: To signify; to purport; to be of moment. "For that . . . importeth to the work." Bacon. Im"port, n. 1. Merchandise imported, or brought into a country from without its boundaries; -- generally in the plural, opposed to exports. I take the imports from, and not the exports to, these conquests, as the measure of these advantages which we derived from them. Burke. 2. That which a word, phrase, or document contains as its signification or intention or interpretation of a word, action, event, and the like. 3. Importance; weight; consequence. Most serious design, and the great import. Shak. Im*port", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Imported; p. pr. & vb. n. Importing.] Etym: [L. importare to bring in, to occasion, to cause; pref. im- in + portare to bear. Sense 3 comes through F. importer, from the Latin. See Port demeanor.] 1. To bring in from abroad; to introduce from without; especially, to bring (wares or merchandise) into a place or country from a foreign country, in the transactions of commerce; -- opposed to export. We import teas from China, coffee from Brasil, etc. 2. To carry or include, as meaning or intention; to imply; to signify. Every petition . . . doth . . . always import a multitude of speakers together. Hooker. 3. To be of importance or consequence to; to have a bearing on; to concern. I have a motion much imports your good. Shak. If I endure it, what imports it you Dryden. Syn. -- To denote; mean; sighify; imply; indicate; betoken; interest; concern. Im*port", v. i. Defn: To signify; to purport; to be of moment. "For that . . . importeth to the work." Bacon. Im"port, n. 1. Merchandise imported, or brought into a country from without its boundaries; -- generally in the plural, opposed to exports. I take the imports from, and not the exports to, these conquests, as the measure of these advantages which we derived from them. Burke. 2. That which a word, phrase, or document contains as its signification or intention or interpretation of a word, action, event, and the like. 3. Importance; weight; consequence. Most serious design, and the great import. Shak.

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