Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பதிலாள், மாற்றாள், பதிற்பொருள், மாற்றுப்பொருள், பகரப்போலி, (வினை.) பதில் ஏற்பாடு செய், பதிலாள் அமர்த்து, மாற்றீடு செய், பரிமாற்றமாகக் கொடு.



Sub"stit"ute, n. Etym: [L. substitutus, p.p. of substituere to put under, put in the place of; sub under + statuere to put, place: cf. F. substitut. See Statute.] Defn: One who, or that which, is substituted or put in the place of another; one who acts for another; that which stands in lieu of something else; specifically (Mil.), Defn: a person who enlists for military service in the place of a conscript or drafted man. Hast thou not made me here thy substitute Milton. Ladies [in Shakespeare's age] . . . wore masks as the sole substitute known to our ancestors for the modern parasol. De Quincey. Sub"stit"ute, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Substituted; p. pr. & vb. n. Substituting.] Etym: [See Substitute, n.] Defn: To put in the place of another person or thing; to exchange. Some few verses are inserted or substituted in the room of others. Congreve.

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