Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. அடியில் எழுது, ஆவணத்தின் அடியில் பெயரெழுது, கீழ்க்குறிப்பிடு, அடியொப்பமிடு, அடிக்கையெழுத்திடு, கொள்கை அல்லது தீர்மான வகையில் பற்றார்வந்ததெரிவி, நன்கொடைப் பங்காளர் பட்டியில் பெயரெழுது, நன்கொடை கொடு, நன்கொடை கொடுப்பதாகக் கூறு, பொதுநிதிக்குத் தொகை வழங்கு, பொதுநோக்கத்திற்குத் தொகை அளி, பொதுநிதிக்கு நிதி திரட்டு, பொது நோக்கத்துக்கு நிதி திரட்டு.



Sub*scribe", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Subscribed; p. pr. & vb. n. Subscribing.] Etym: [L. subscribere, subscriptum; sub under + scribere to write: cf. F. souscrire. See Scribe.] 1. To write underneath, as one's name; to sign (one's name) to a document. [They] subscribed their names under them. Sir T. More. 2. To sign with one's own hand; to give consent to, as something written, or to bind one's self to the terms of, by writing one's name beneath; as, parties subscribe a covenant or contract; a man subscribes a bond. All the bishops subscribed the sentence. Milman. 3. To attest by writing one's name beneath; as, officers subscribe their official acts, and secretaries and clerks subscribe copies or records. 4. To promise to give, by writing one's name with the amount; as, each man subscribed ten dollars. 5. To sign away; to yield; to surrender. [Obs.] Shak. 6. To declare over one's signature; to publish. [Obs.] Either or must shortly hear from him, or I will subscribe him a coward. Shak. Sub*scribe", v. i. 1. To sign one's name to a letter or other document. Shak. 2. To give consent to something written, by signing one's name; hence, to assent; to agree. So spake, so wished, much humbled Eve; but Fate Subscribed not. Milton. 3. To become surely; -- with for. [R.] Shak. 4. To yield; to admit one's self to be inferior or in the wrong. [Obs.] I will subscribe, and say I wronged the duke. Shak. 5. To set one's name to a paper in token of promise to give a certain sum. 6. To enter one's name for a newspaper, a book, etc.

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