Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. திக்கல், கொன்னல், தெற்றிப் பேசும் வழக்கம், (வினை.) திக்கு, தெற்றிப் பேசு.

Stut"ter, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Stuttered; p. pr. & vb. n. Stuttering.] Etym: [Freq. of stut, OE. stoten; probably of Dutch or Low German origin; cf. D. & LG. stotteren, G. stottern, D. stooten to push, to strike; akin to G. stossen, Icel. stauta, Sw. stöta, Dan. stöde, Goth. stautan, L. tundere, Skr. tud to thrust. Cf. Contuse, Obtuse.] Defn: To hesitate or stumble in uttering words; to speak with spasmodic repetition or pauses; to stammer. Trembling, stuttering, calling for his confessor. Macaulay. Stut"ter, n. 1. The act of stuttering; a stammer. See Stammer, and Stuttering. 2. One who stutters; a stammerer. [Obs.] Bacon.

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