Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. முக்காலி, குந்துமணை, கால்மணை, முழந்தாளிடுவதற்கான விசிப்பலகை, பலகணி ஓரச்சட்டம், கழிபட்டி, மலங்கழிக்கும் இடம், கழிமலம், அடிமுளைக்கட்டை, தளிர்க்கும் தூர்க்கட்டை, கண்ணிப்புள் அமர்கழி, (வினை.) வேரிலிருந்து முளைவிடு, மலங்கழிக்கச் செய், மலங்கழி.

Stool, n. Etym: [L. stolo. See Stolon.] (Hort.) Defn: A plant from which layers are propagated by bending its branches into the soil. P. Henderson. Stool, v. i. (Agric.) Defn: To ramfy; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers. R. D. Blackmore. Stool, n. Etym: [AS. stol a seat; akin to OFries. & OS. stol, D. stoel, G. stuhl, OHG. stuol, Icel. stoll, Sw. & Dan. stol, Goth. stols, Lith. stalas a table, Russ. stol'; from the root of E. stand. *163. See Stand, and cf. Fauteuil.] 1. A single seat with three or four legs and without a back, made in various forms for various uses. 2. A seat used in evacuating the bowels; hence, an evacuation; a discharge from the bowels. 3. A stool pigeon, or decoy bird. [U. S.] 4. (Naut.) Defn: A small channel on the side of a vessel, for the dead-eyes of the backstays. Totten. 5. A bishop's seat or see; a bishop-stool. J. P. Peters. 6. A bench or form for resting the feet or the knees; a footstool; as, a kneeling stool. 7. Material, such as oyster shells, spread on the sea bottom for oyster spat to adhere to. [Local, U.S.] Stool of a window, or Window stool (Arch.), the flat piece upon which the window shuts down, and which corresponds to the sill of a door; in the United States, the narrow shelf fitted on the inside against the actual sill upon which the sash descends. This is called a window seat when broad and low enough to be used as a seat. Stool of repentance, the cuttystool. [Scot.] -- Stool pigeon, a pigeon used as a decoy to draw others within a net; hence, a person used as a decoy for others.

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