Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. துறவி, ஒற்றைக்கட்டை, (பெ.) தனிமை வாய்ந்த, தனித் தொதுங்கி வாழ்கிற, தனி ஒதுக்கப்பண்புடைய, கூடி வாழாத, சமுதாயக் கூட்டுவாழ்வுப் பண்பற்ற, துணையற்ற, ஒற்றையான, தனித்த, தனி ஒன்றான, ஒத்திணைவற்ற.


Sol"i*ta*ry, a. Etym: [L. solitarius, fr. solus alone: cf. F. solitaire. See Sole, a., and cf. Solitaire.] 1. Living or being by one's self; having no companion present; being without associates; single; alone; lonely. Those rare and solitary, these in flocks. Milton. Hie home unto my chamber, Where thou shalt find me, sad and solitary. Shak. 2. Performed, passed, or endured alone; as, a solitary journey; a solitary life. Satan . . . explores his solitary flight. Milton. 3. ot much visited or frequented remote from society; retired; lonely; as, a solitary residence or place. 4. Not inhabited or occupied; without signs of inhabitants or occupation; desolate; deserted; silent; still; hence, gloomy; dismal; as, the solitary desert. How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people. Lam. i. 1. Let that night be solitary; let no joyful voice come therein. Job iii. 7. 5. Single; individual; sole; as, a solitary instance of vengeance; a solitary example. 6. (Bot.) Defn: Not associated with others of the same kind. Solitary ant (Zoöl.), any solitary hymenopterous insect of the family Mutillidæ. The female of these insects is destitute of wings and has a powerful sting. The male is winged and resembles a wasp. Called also spider ant. -- Solitary bee (Zoöl.), any species of bee which does not form communities. -- Solitary sandpiper (Zoöl.), an American tattler (Totanus solitarius). -- Solitary snipe (Zoöl.), the great snipe. [Prov. Eng.] -- Solitary thrush (Zoöl.) the starling. [Prov. Eng.] Sol"i*ta*ry, n. Defn: One who lives alone, or in solitude; an anchoret; a hermit; a recluse.

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