Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. போன்றது, உருவொத்தது, பண்பொத்தது, (பெ.) ஒரு நிலைப்பட்ட, ஒருவகைப்பட்ட, பண்பொத்த, உருவொத்த, ஒன்றுடனொன்றொத்த, தம்முள் ஒத்த, (வடி.) உருக்கள் வகையில் கூறுகள் ஒத்த, வரை கட்டங்கள் வகையில் கோணங்கள் ஒப்பான.



Sim"i*lar, a. Etym: [F. similaire, fr. L. similis like, similar. See Same, a., and cf. Simulate.] 1. Exactly corresponding; resembling in all respects; precisely like. 2. Nearly corresponding; resembling in many respects; somewhat like; having a general likeness. 3. Homogenous; uniform. [R.] Boyle. Similar figures (Geom.), figures which differ from each other only in magnitude, being made up of the same number of like parts similarly situated. -- Similar rectilineal figures, such as have their several angles respectively equal, each to each, and their sides about the equal angles proportional. -- Similar solids, such as are contained by the same number of similar planes, similarly situated, and having like inclination to one another. Sim"i*lar, n. Defn: That which is similar to, or resembles, something else, as in quality, form, etc.

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