Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. தூறு, புதர், புதர்நிலம், குறுங்காடு, தூறுநிறைந்த நிலப்பரப்பு, தேய்ந்த தூரிகைக்கட்டை, தேய்ந்த துடைப்பக்கட்டை, குறுமயிர் மீசை, கூழை விலங்கு, குறளர், அறபர், பொருட்படுத்த வேண்டாதவர்.-2 n. சுரண்டித் தேய்ப்பு, அழுத்தித் துடைப்பு, துப்புரவாக்குதல், (பே-வ) முறையான ஆட்டக்குழுச் சாராத ஆட்டக்காரர், இரண்டாவதான ஆட்டக்குழு, வலுவற்ற ஆட்டக்குழு, குறை ஆட்டக்காரர்களையுடைய தளக்கட்டுப் பந்தாட்டம், (பெ.) தளக்கட்டுப் பந்தாட்ட வகையில் முழுநிறை ஆட்டக்கா

Scrub, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scrubbed; p. pr. & vb. n. Scrubbing.] Etym: [OE. scrobben, probably of Dutch or Scand. origin; cf. Dan. sckrubbe, Sw. skrubba, D. schrobben, LG. schrubben.] Defn: To rub hard; to wash with rubbing; usually, to rub with a wet brush, or with something coarse or rough, for the purpose of cleaning or brightening; as, to scrub a floor, a doorplate. Scrub, v. i. Defn: To rub anything hard, especially with a wet brush; to scour; hence, to be diligent and penurious; as, to scrub hard for a living. Scrub, n. 1. One who labors hard and lives meanly; a mean fellow. "A sorry scrub." Bunyan. We should go there in as proper a manner possible; nor altogether like the scrubs about us. Goldsmith. 2. Something small and mean. 3. A worn-out brush. Ainsworth. 4. A thicket or jungle, often specified by the name of the prevailing plant; as, oak scrub, palmetto scrub, etc. 5. (Stock Breeding) Defn: One of the commen live stock of a region of no particular breed or not of pure breed, esp. when inferior in size, etc. [U.S.] Scrub bird (Zoöl.), an Australian passerine bird of the family Atrichornithidæ, as Atrichia clamosa; -- called also brush bird. -- Scrub oak (Bot.), the popular name of several dwarfish species of oak. The scrub oak of New England and the Middle States is Quercus ilicifolia, a scraggy shrub; that of the Southern States is a small tree (Q. Catesbæi); that of the Rocky Mountain region is Q. undulata, var. Gambelii. -- Scrub robin (Zoöl.), an Australian singing bird of the genus Drymodes. Scrub, a. Defn: Mean; dirty; contemptible; scrubby. How solitary, how scrub, does this town lokk! Walpole. No little scrub joint shall come on my board. Swift. Scrub game, a game, as of ball, by unpracticed players. -- Scrub race, a race between scrubs, or between untrained animals or contestants. Scrub, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scrubbed; p. pr. & vb. n. Scrubbing.] Etym: [OE. scrobben, probably of Dutch or Scand. origin; cf. Dan. sckrubbe, Sw. skrubba, D. schrobben, LG. schrubben.] Defn: To rub hard; to wash with rubbing; usually, to rub with a wet brush, or with something coarse or rough, for the purpose of cleaning or brightening; as, to scrub a floor, a doorplate. Scrub, v. i. Defn: To rub anything hard, especially with a wet brush; to scour; hence, to be diligent and penurious; as, to scrub hard for a living. Scrub, n. 1. One who labors hard and lives meanly; a mean fellow. "A sorry scrub." Bunyan. We should go there in as proper a manner possible; nor altogether like the scrubs about us. Goldsmith. 2. Something small and mean. 3. A worn-out brush. Ainsworth. 4. A thicket or jungle, often specified by the name of the prevailing plant; as, oak scrub, palmetto scrub, etc. 5. (Stock Breeding) Defn: One of the commen live stock of a region of no particular breed or not of pure breed, esp. when inferior in size, etc. [U.S.] Scrub bird (Zoöl.), an Australian passerine bird of the family Atrichornithidæ, as Atrichia clamosa; -- called also brush bird. -- Scrub oak (Bot.), the popular name of several dwarfish species of oak. The scrub oak of New England and the Middle States is Quercus ilicifolia, a scraggy shrub; that of the Southern States is a small tree (Q. Catesbæi); that of the Rocky Mountain region is Q. undulata, var. Gambelii. -- Scrub robin (Zoöl.), an Australian singing bird of the genus Drymodes. Scrub, a. Defn: Mean; dirty; contemptible; scrubby. How solitary, how scrub, does this town lokk! Walpole. No little scrub joint shall come on my board. Swift. Scrub game, a game, as of ball, by unpracticed players. -- Scrub race, a race between scrubs, or between untrained animals or contestants.

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