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v. துருவித்தேடு, கிளறிப்பார், வாரிக்கொள்ளையிடு.



Ran"sack, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ransacked; p. pr. & vb. n. Ransacking.] Etym: [OE. ransaken, Icel, rannsaka to explore, examine; rann a house (akin to Goth. razn house, AS. ræsn plank, beam) + the root of sækja to seek, akin to E. seek. See Seek, and cf. Rest repose.] 1. To search thoroughly; to search every place or part of; as, to ransack a house. To ransack every corner of their . . . hearts. South. 2. To plunder; to pillage completely. Their vow is made To ransack Troy. Shak. 3. To violate; to ravish; to defiour. [Obs.] Rich spoil of ransacked chastity. Spenser. Ran"sack, v. i. Defn: To make a thorough search. To ransack in the tas [heap] of bodies dead. Chaucer. Ran"sack, n. Defn: The act of ransacking, or state of being ransacked; pillage. Even your father's house Shall not be free fromransack. J. Webster.

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