Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. இறுநிலையான, இடிந்துவிழுவது போலிருக்கிற, கலகலத்துப்போன.a. இறுநிலையான, இடிந்துவிழுவது போலிருக்கிற கலகலத்துப்போன.

Ram"shac*kle, a. Etym: [Etymol. uncertain.] Defn: Loose; disjointed; falling to pieces; out of repair. There came . . . my lord the cardinal, in his ramshackle coach. Thackeray. Ram"shac*kle, v. t. Defn: To search or ransack; to rummage. [Prov. Eng.] Ram"shac*kle, a. Etym: [Etymol. uncertain.] Defn: Loose; disjointed; falling to pieces; out of repair. There came . . . my lord the cardinal, in his ramshackle coach. Thackeray. Ram"shac*kle, v. t. Defn: To search or ransack; to rummage. [Prov. Eng.]

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