Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. உலாவித்திரிதல், கால்போனபடி செல்லுதல், (வினை) கால் இழுத்தவாக்கில் நடந்துசெல், மனம்போனபடி உரையாடு, தொடர்பின்றிப் பேசு, தொடர்பின்றி மனம்போன படி எழுது.


#verb rove, roam, wander, range, stroll, saunter, stray #noun jaunt, tour, wandering, strolling, excursion


#verb course, speed, hasten, drive, run #noun

Ram"ble, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rambled; p. pr. & vb. n. Rambling.] Etym: [For rammle, fr. Prov. E. rame to roam. Cf. Roam.] 1. To walk, ride, or sail, from place to place, without any determinate object in view; to roam carelessly or irregularly; to rove; to wander; as, to ramble about the city; to ramble over the world. He that is at liberty to ramble in perfect darkness, what is his liberty better than if driven up and down as a bubble by the wind Locke. 2. To talk or write in a discursive, aimless way. 3. To extend or grow at random. Thomson. Syn. -- To rove; roam; wander; range; stroll. Ram"ble, n. 1. A going or moving from place to place without any determinate business or object; an excursion or stroll merely for recreation. Coming home, after a short Christians ramble. Swift. 2. Etym: [Cf. Rammel.] (Coal Mining) Defn: A bed of shale over the seam. Raymond.

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