Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. தனி மாதிரியான, விந்தையான, தனிப்போக்குள்ள, ஐயுறத்தக்க, தலைசுற்றுகிற.



Queer, a. [Compar. Queerer; superl. Queerest.] Etym: [G. quer cross, oblique, athwart (cf. querkopf a queer fellow), OHG. twer, twerh, dwerah; akin to D. dvars, AS, þweorh thwart, bent, twisted, Icel. þverr thwart, transverse, Goth. þwaìrhs angry, and perh. to L. torqyere to twist, and E. through. Cf. Torture, Through, Thwart, a.] 1. At variance with what is usual or normal; differing in some odd way from what is ordinary; odd; singular; strange; whimsical; as, a queer story or act. " A queer look." W. Irving. 2. Mysterious; suspicious; questionable; as, a queer transaction. [Colloq.] Queer, n. Defn: Counterfeit money. [Slang] To shove the queer, to put counterfeit money in circulation. [Slang]

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