Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. வாத்தின் கத்துதல் போன்ற ஒலி; (வினை) வாத்துப் போலக் கடின ஒலி எழுப்பு; கத்து; பிதற்று.-2 n. போலி மருத்துவர்; போலி அறுவையாளர்; அரைகுறை வைத்தியர்; மாய மருந்து விற்பவர்; மோசடி முறை கையாளுபவர்; (வினை) போலி னருத்துவஞ் செய்; மாய மருந்து விற்பனை செய்; தற்புகழ்ச்சி விளம்பரஞ் செய்; வீம்பு பேசு.



Quack, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Qvacked; p. pr. & vb. n. Quacking.] Etym: [Of imitative origin; cf. D. kwaken, G. quacken, quaken, Icel. kvaka to twitter.] 1. To utter a sound like the cry of a duck. 2. To make vain and loud pretensions; to boast. " To quack of universal cures." Hudibras. 3. To act the part of a quack, or pretender. Quack, n. 1. The cry of the duck, or a sound in imitation of it; a hoarse, quacking noise. Chaucer. 2. Etym: [Cf. Quacksalver.] Defn: A boastful pretender to medical skill; an empiric; an ignorant practitioner. 3. Hence, one who boastfully pretends to skill or knowledge of any kind not possessed; a charlatan. Quacks political; quacks scientific, academical. Carlyle. Quack, a. Defn: Pertaining to or characterized by, boasting and pretension; used by quacks; pretending to cure diseases; as, a quack medicine; a quack doctor. Quack, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Qvacked; p. pr. & vb. n. Quacking.] Etym: [Of imitative origin; cf. D. kwaken, G. quacken, quaken, Icel. kvaka to twitter.] 1. To utter a sound like the cry of a duck. 2. To make vain and loud pretensions; to boast. " To quack of universal cures." Hudibras. 3. To act the part of a quack, or pretender. Quack, n. 1. The cry of the duck, or a sound in imitation of it; a hoarse, quacking noise. Chaucer. 2. Etym: [Cf. Quacksalver.] Defn: A boastful pretender to medical skill; an empiric; an ignorant practitioner. 3. Hence, one who boastfully pretends to skill or knowledge of any kind not possessed; a charlatan. Quacks political; quacks scientific, academical. Carlyle. Quack, a. Defn: Pertaining to or characterized by, boasting and pretension; used by quacks; pretending to cure diseases; as, a quack medicine; a quack doctor.

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