Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 v. ஒற்றுப்பார், துருவி ஊடாக நோக்கு, பிறர் மறையில் இடையிட்டுக் கருத்துச்செலத்து, தலையிட்டுத் தொல்லைகொடு, பிறர் நடத்தைபற்றி உரிமையின்றி உசாவு, நுழைந்து ஆராய்.



Pry, n. Etym: [Corrupted fr. prize a lever. See Prize, n.] Defn: A lever; also, leverage. [Local, U. S. & Eng.] Pry pole, the pole which forms the prop of a hoisting gin, and stands facing the windlass. Pry, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pried; p. pr. & vb. n. Prying.] Defn: To raise or move, or attempt to raise or move, with a pry or lever; to prize. [Local, U. S. & Eng.] Pry, v. i. Etym: [OE. prien. Cf. Peer to peep.] Defn: To peep narrowly; to gaze; to inspect closely; to attempt to discover something by a scrutinizing curiosity; -- often implying reproach. " To pry upon the stars." Chaucer. Watch thou and wake when others be asleep, To pry into the secrets of the state. Shak. Pry, n. Defn: Curious inspection; impertinent peeping.

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