Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. படி ஒப்பானவர், சரியிணை, சரி ஒப்பானது, பிரிட்டனின் உயர்படிப் பெருமகனார், கோமக்கள் படியினர், மேன்மக்கள் அவை உறுப்பினர், உயர் பெருங்குடி மகன், (வினை.) ஒப்பாயிரு, சரியிணையாயிரு, உயர்படிப்பெருமகனாராக்கு.-2 v. கூர்ந்து நோக்கு, உற்று நோக்கு, வௌதப்படத்தோன்று, காட்சிக்கு உரியதாகு.


#noun mate, equal, compeer #verb peep, pry, look_narrowly #noun mate, equal, compeer #verb peep, pry, look_narrowly


#noun mate, equal, compeer #verb peep, pry, look_narrowly #noun mate, equal, compeer #verb peep, pry, look_narrowly #noun [one_unequal_in_rank], [state_or_condition] #verb

Peer, v. i. [imp. & p.p Peered; p. pr. & vb. n. Peering.] Etym: [OF. parir, pareir equiv. to F. paraître to appear, L. parere. Cf. Appear.] 1. To come in sight; to appear. [Poetic] So honor peereth in the meanest habit. Shak. See how his gorget peers above his gown! B. Jonson. 2. Etym: [Perh. a different word; cf. OE. piren, LG. piren. Cf. Pry to peep.] Defn: To look narrowly or curiously or intently; to peep; as, the peering day. Milton. Peering in maps for ports, and piers, and roads. Shak. As if through a dungeon grate he peered. Coleridge. Peer, n. Etym: [OE. per, OF. per, F. pair, fr. L. par equal. Cf. Apparel, Pair, Par, n., Umpire.] 1. One of the same rank, quality, endowments, character, etc.; an equal; a match; a mate. In song he never had his peer. Dryden. Shall they consort only with their peers I. Taylor. 2. A comrade; a companion; a fellow; an associate. He all his peers in beauty did surpass. Spenser. 3. A nobleman; a member of one of the five degrees of the British nobility, namely, duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron; as, a peer of the realm. A noble peer of mickle trust and power. Milton. House of Peers, The Peers, the British House of Lords. See Parliament. -- Spiritual peers, the bishops and archibishops, or lords spiritual, who sit in the House of Lords. Peer v. t. Defn: To make equal in rank. [R.] Heylin. Peer v. t. Defn: To be, or to assume to be, equal. [R.] Peer, v. i. [imp. & p.p Peered; p. pr. & vb. n. Peering.] Etym: [OF. parir, pareir equiv. to F. paraître to appear, L. parere. Cf. Appear.] 1. To come in sight; to appear. [Poetic] So honor peereth in the meanest habit. Shak. See how his gorget peers above his gown! B. Jonson. 2. Etym: [Perh. a different word; cf. OE. piren, LG. piren. Cf. Pry to peep.] Defn: To look narrowly or curiously or intently; to peep; as, the peering day. Milton. Peering in maps for ports, and piers, and roads. Shak. As if through a dungeon grate he peered. Coleridge. Peer, n. Etym: [OE. per, OF. per, F. pair, fr. L. par equal. Cf. Apparel, Pair, Par, n., Umpire.] 1. One of the same rank, quality, endowments, character, etc.; an equal; a match; a mate. In song he never had his peer. Dryden. Shall they consort only with their peers I. Taylor. 2. A comrade; a companion; a fellow; an associate. He all his peers in beauty did surpass. Spenser. 3. A nobleman; a member of one of the five degrees of the British nobility, namely, duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron; as, a peer of the realm. A noble peer of mickle trust and power. Milton. House of Peers, The Peers, the British House of Lords. See Parliament. -- Spiritual peers, the bishops and archibishops, or lords spiritual, who sit in the House of Lords. Peer v. t. Defn: To make equal in rank. [R.] Heylin. Peer v. t. Defn: To be, or to assume to be, equal. [R.]

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