Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. உடைமை உரிமையாண்மை, உரிமையாளர்நிலை, உரிமையாளர் குழு, (பெ.) உடைமை உரிமையுடைய, உடைமை உரிமை சார்ந்த, தனிப்பட்டவர் உரிமையுள்இருக்கிற.

Pro*pri"e*ta*ry, n.; pl. Proprietaries. Etym: [L. proprietarius: cf. F. propriétaire. See Propriety, and cf. Proprietor.] 1. A proprietor or owner; one who has exclusive title to a thing; one who possesses, or holds the title to, a thing in his own right. Fuller. 2. A body proprietors, taken collectively. 3. (Eccl.) Defn: A monk who had reserved goods and effects to himself, notwithstanding his renunciation of all at the time of profession. Pro*pri"e*ta*ry, a. Etym: [L. proprietarius.] Defn: Belonging, or pertaining, to a proprietor; considered as property; owned; as, proprietary medicine. Proprietary articles, manufactured articles which some person or persons have exclusive right to make and sell. U. S. Statutes.

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