Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. துணி முதலியவற்றின் வகையில் மடிப்பு, திண்மை, கனம், அடுக்கின் ஓர் அடை, பாளம், படலம், கயிறுமுதலியவைகளின் இழை அல்லது புரி, போக்கு, பாங்கு.-2 v. ஊக்கத்துடன் பயன்படுத்து, கையாளு, மும்முரமாக ஈடுபடு, வினாக்களை அடுக்கு, வாதங்களினால் விரைந்து தாக்கு, உணவு முதலியவற்றை இடைவிடாமல் தருவித்துக்கொடு, (கப்.) காற்று வருந்திசை நோக்கிச் செலுத்து, போய்வந்து கொண்டிரு, வாடகைக்காக விடு.


Ply, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Plied; p. pr. & vb. n. Plying.] Etym: [OE. plien, F. plier to fold, to bend, fr. L. plicare; akin to Gr. flechten. Cf. Apply, Complex, Display, Duplicity, Employ, Exploit, Implicate, Plait, Pliant, Flax.] 1. To bend. [Obs.] As men may warm wax with handes plie. Chaucer. 2. To lay on closely, or in folds; to work upon steadily, or with repeated acts; to press upon; to urge importunately; as, to ply one with questions, with solicitations, or with drink. And plies him with redoubled strokes Dryden. He plies the duke at morning and at night. Shak. 3. To employ diligently; to use steadily. Go ply thy needle; meddle not. Shak. 4. To practice or perform with diligence; to work at. Their bloody task, unwearied, still they ply. Waller. Ply, v. i. 1. To bend; to yield. [Obs.] It would rather burst atwo than plye. Chaucer. The willow plied, and gave way to the gust. L'Estrange. 2. To act, go, or work diligently and steadily; especially, to do something by repeated actions; to go back and forth; as, a steamer plies between certain ports. Ere half these authors be read (which will soon be with plying hard and daily). Milton. He was forced to ply in the streets as a porter. Addison. The heavy hammers and mallets plied. Longfellow. 3. (Naut.) Defn: To work to windward; to beat. Ply, n. Etym: [Cf. F. pli, fr. plier. See Ply, v.] 1. A fold; a plait; a turn or twist, as of a cord. Arbuthnot. 2. Bent; turn; direction; bias. The late learners can not so well take the ply. Bacon. Boswell, and others of Goldsmith's contemporaries, . . . did not understand the secret plies of his character. W. Irving. The czar's mind had taken a strange ply, which it retained to the last. Macaulay. Note: Ply is used in composition to designate folds, or the number of webs interwoven; as, a three-ply carpet. Ply, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Plied; p. pr. & vb. n. Plying.] Etym: [OE. plien, F. plier to fold, to bend, fr. L. plicare; akin to Gr. flechten. Cf. Apply, Complex, Display, Duplicity, Employ, Exploit, Implicate, Plait, Pliant, Flax.] 1. To bend. [Obs.] As men may warm wax with handes plie. Chaucer. 2. To lay on closely, or in folds; to work upon steadily, or with repeated acts; to press upon; to urge importunately; as, to ply one with questions, with solicitations, or with drink. And plies him with redoubled strokes Dryden. He plies the duke at morning and at night. Shak. 3. To employ diligently; to use steadily. Go ply thy needle; meddle not. Shak. 4. To practice or perform with diligence; to work at. Their bloody task, unwearied, still they ply. Waller. Ply, v. i. 1. To bend; to yield. [Obs.] It would rather burst atwo than plye. Chaucer. The willow plied, and gave way to the gust. L'Estrange. 2. To act, go, or work diligently and steadily; especially, to do something by repeated actions; to go back and forth; as, a steamer plies between certain ports. Ere half these authors be read (which will soon be with plying hard and daily). Milton. He was forced to ply in the streets as a porter. Addison. The heavy hammers and mallets plied. Longfellow. 3. (Naut.) Defn: To work to windward; to beat. Ply, n. Etym: [Cf. F. pli, fr. plier. See Ply, v.] 1. A fold; a plait; a turn or twist, as of a cord. Arbuthnot. 2. Bent; turn; direction; bias. The late learners can not so well take the ply. Bacon. Boswell, and others of Goldsmith's contemporaries, . . . did not understand the secret plies of his character. W. Irving. The czar's mind had taken a strange ply, which it retained to the last. Macaulay. Note: Ply is used in composition to designate folds, or the number of webs interwoven; as, a three-ply carpet.

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