Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. விடை, மறுமொழி கூறுதல், விடைவாசகம், (வினை) விடைகூறு, எதிருரை, எதிர்ச்செயலாற்று.பதில்


#verb replicate, answer, respond, rejoin #noun answer, rejoinder, response, replication #verb replicate, answer, respond, rejoin #noun answer, rejoinder, response, replication


#verb replicate, answer, respond, rejoin #noun answer, rejoinder, response, replication #verb replicate, answer, respond, rejoin #noun answer, rejoinder, response, replication #verb ignore, drop, pretermit, pass, disregard #noun pass_by, ignoring

Re*ply" (r-pl"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Replied (-pld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Replying.] Etym: [OE. replien, OF. replier, F. répliquer, fr. L. replicare to fold back, make a reply; pref. re- re- + plicare to fold. See Ply, and cf. Replica.] 1. To make a return in words or writing; to respond; to answer. O man, who art thou that repliest against God Rom. ix. 20. 2. (Law) Defn: To answer a defendant's plea. 3. Figuratively, to do something in return for something done; as, to reply to a signal; to reply to the fire of a battery. Syn. -- To answer; respond; rejoin. Re*ply", v. t. Defn: To return for an answer. Milton. Lords, vouchsafe To give me hearing what I shall reply. Shak. Re*ply", n.; pl. Replies (-pl. Etym: [See Reply, v. i., and cf. Replica.] Defn: That which is said, written, or done in answer to what is said, written, or done by another; an answer; a response. Syn. -- Answer; rejoinder; response. -- Reply, Rejoinder, Answer. A reply is a distinct response to a formal question or attack in speech or writing. A rejoinder is a second reply (a reply to a reply) in a protracted discussion or controversy. The word answer is used in two senses, namely (1), in the most general sense of a mere response; as, the answer to a question; or (2), in the sense of a decisive and satisfactory confutation of an adversary's argument, as when we speak of a triumphant answer to the speech or accusations of an opponent. Here the noun corresponds to a frequent use of the verb, as when we say. "This will answer (i.e., fully meet) the end in view;" "It answers the purpose." Re*ply" (r-pl"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Replied (-pld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Replying.] Etym: [OE. replien, OF. replier, F. répliquer, fr. L. replicare to fold back, make a reply; pref. re- re- + plicare to fold. See Ply, and cf. Replica.] 1. To make a return in words or writing; to respond; to answer. O man, who art thou that repliest against God Rom. ix. 20. 2. (Law) Defn: To answer a defendant's plea. 3. Figuratively, to do something in return for something done; as, to reply to a signal; to reply to the fire of a battery. Syn. -- To answer; respond; rejoin. Re*ply", v. t. Defn: To return for an answer. Milton. Lords, vouchsafe To give me hearing what I shall reply. Shak. Re*ply", n.; pl. Replies (-pl. Etym: [See Reply, v. i., and cf. Replica.] Defn: That which is said, written, or done in answer to what is said, written, or done by another; an answer; a response. Syn. -- Answer; rejoinder; response. -- Reply, Rejoinder, Answer. A reply is a distinct response to a formal question or attack in speech or writing. A rejoinder is a second reply (a reply to a reply) in a protracted discussion or controversy. The word answer is used in two senses, namely (1), in the most general sense of a mere response; as, the answer to a question; or (2), in the sense of a decisive and satisfactory confutation of an adversary's argument, as when we speak of a triumphant answer to the speech or accusations of an opponent. Here the noun corresponds to a frequent use of the verb, as when we say. "This will answer (i.e., fully meet) the end in view;" "It answers the purpose."

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