Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. இடை ஓய்வு, இடைத் தயக்கம், இடை நிறுத்தம், பேச்சிடை ஓய்வு, படிப்பிடைத் தயக்கம், (இசை.) சுரம் அல்லது நிறுத்தக்குறியின் கீழ் இடும் நீட்டிப்புக் குறி, (வினை.) இடைத்தயங்கு, இடையே சிறிதுநிறுத்து, காத்திரு, மெல்ல நிறுத்திச் செல், நின்று தயங்கி மேற்செல்.


#noun stop, cessation, suspension, halt, intermission, rest #verb cease, suspend, intermit, forbear, stay, wait, hesitate, demur,stop, desist


#noun continuance, advancement, perseverance #verb continue, proceed, advance, persist, persevere

Pause, n. Etym: [F., fr. L. pausa. See Pose.] 1. A temporary stop or rest; an intermission of action; interruption; suspension; cessation. 2. Temporary inaction or waiting; hesitation; suspence; doubt. I stand in pause where I shall first begin. Shak. 3. In speaking or reading aloud, a brief arrest or suspension of voice, to indicate the limits and relations of sentences and their parts. 4. In writing and printing, a mark indicating the place and nature of an arrest of voice in reading; a punctuation point; as, teach the pupil to mind the pauses. 5. A break or paragraph in writing. He writes with warmth, which usually neglects method, and those partitions and pauses which men educated in schools observe. Locke. 6. (Mus.) Defn: A hold. See 4th Hold, 7. Syn. -- Stop; cessation; suspension. Pause, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Paused; p. pr. & vb. n. Pausing.] Etym: [Cf. F. pauser, L. pausare. See Pause, n., Pose.] 1. To make a short stop; to cease for a time; to intermit speaking or acting; to stop; to wait; to rest. "Tarry, pause a day or two." Shak. Pausing while, thus to herself she mused. Milton. 2. To be intermitted; to cease; as, the music pauses. 3. To hesitate; to hold back; to delay. [R.] Why doth the Jew pause Take thy forfeiture. Shak. 4. To stop in order to consider; hence, to consider; to reflect. [R.] "Take time to pause." Shak. To pause upon, to deliberate concerning. Shak. Syn. -- To intermit; stop; stay; wait; delay; tarry; hesitate; demur. Pause, v. t. Defn: To cause to stop or rest; -- used reflexively. [R.] Shak.

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