Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. தனி ஒருவர், ஈடிணையற்றவர், தனிநிலைப் பொருள், ஈடெடுப்பற்றது, (அச்சு.) அச்செழுத்து அளவு வகை, இனிப்புத் தின்பண்ட வகை, சீமை இலந்தைப்பழ வகை, பறவை வகை, கோதுமை வகை, அந்துப்பூச்சி வகை.

Non`pa*reil", n. Etym: [See Nonpareil, a. ] 1. Something of unequaled excellence; a peerless thing or person; a nonesuch; -- often used as a name. 2. Etym: [F. nonpareille.] (Print.) Defn: A size of type next smaller than minion and next larger than agate (or ruby). Note: This line is printed in the type called nonpareil. 3. (Zoöl.) (a) A beautifully colored finch (Passerina ciris), native of the Southern United States. The male has the head and neck deep blue, rump and under parts bright red, back and wings golden green, and the tail bluish purple. Called also painted finch. (b) Any other similar bird of the same genus. Non`pa*reil", a. Etym: [F., from non not + pareil equal, fr. LL. pariculus, dim. of L. par equal. See Non, and Pair, Peer.] Defn: Having no equal; peerless.

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