Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. மிடைந்திரு, மொய்த்திரு, ஒட்டி அணைந்திரு, தழுவியிரு, வாய்ப்பாக அமர்ந்துகொள், பாதி உடல் புதைவாகக் குழைத்தமர்ந்து கொள், பேணி அணை, அணைவாக நெருக்கு, அமர்விடம் அளி.

Nes"tle, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Nestled; p. pr. & vb. n. Nestling.] Etym: [AS. nestlian.] 1. To make and occupy a nest; to nest. [Obs.] The kingfisher ... nestles in hollow banks. L'Estrange. 2. To lie close and snug, as a bird in her nest; to cuddle up; to settle, as in a nest; to harbor; to take shelter. Their purpose was to fortify in some strong place of the wild country, and there nestle till succors came. Bacon. 3. To move about in one's place, like a bird when shaping the interior of her nest or a young bird getting close to the parent; as, a child nestles. Nes"tle, v. t. Defn: To house, as in a nest. 2. To cherish, as a bird her young.

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