Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கூடு, பறவை தங்கி வாழுமிடம், புழுப்பூச்சிக்கூடு, விலங்கின் உறைவிடம், உறையுள், வீடு, ஒதுக்கிடம், தனிவாழ்விடம், தனிக்காப்பிடம், இன்ப வாய்ப்பிடம், இனப் பெருக்கிடம், பேணிடம், திருல்ர் சேம இடம், தீமை தழைப் பிடம், மொய்திரள், இனக்குழு, தொகுதி, திரட்டு, இழுப்பறைத் தொகுதி, (வினை.) கூடுகட்டி வாழ், கூடுகட்டு, கூடமைப்பில் ஈடுபடு, கூட்டைப்பறித்தெடு, கூட்டில் அமைத்துவை, செறித்துவை, ஒன்றுக்குள் ஒன்றாகப் புகுத்தி வை.

Nest, n. Etym: [AS. nest; akin to D. & G. nest, Sw. näste, L. nidus, for nisdus, Skr. ni resting place, nest; cf. Lith. lizdas, Arm. neiz, Gael. & Ir. nead. Prob. from the particle ni down, Skr. ni + the root of E. sit, and thus orig., a place to sit down in. sq. root 264. See Nether, and Sit, and cf. Eyas, Nidification, Nye.] 1. The bed or receptacle prepared by a fowl for holding her eggs and for hatching and rearing her young. The birds of the air have nests. Matt. viii. 20. 2. Hence: the place in which the eggs of other animals, as insects, turtles, etc., are laid and hatched; a snug place in which young animals are reared. Bentley. 3. A snug, comfortable, or cozy residence or situation; a retreat, or place of habitual resort; hence, those who occupy a nest, frequent a haunt, or are associated in the same pursuit; as, a nest of traitors; a nest of bugs. A little cottage, like some poor man's nest. Spenser. 4. (Geol.) Defn: An aggregated mass of any ore or mineral, in an isolated state, within a rock. 5. A collection of boxes, cases, or the like, of graduated size, each put within the one next larger. 6. (Mech.) Defn: A compact group of pulleys, gears, springs, etc., working together or collectively. Nest egg, an egg left in the nest to prevent the hen from forsaking it, and to induce her to lay more in the same place; hence, figuratively, something laid up as the beginning of a fund or collection. Hudibras. Nest, v. i. Defn: To build and occupy a nest. The king of birds nested within his leaves. Howell. Nest, v. t. Defn: To put into a nest; to form a nest for. From him who nested himself into the chief power. South.

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