Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. புண்படுத்தாத, தீமை இழைக்காத, வெறுக்கத்தகாத.



In"of*fen"sive, a. Etym: [Pref. in- not + offensiue: cf. F. inoffensif.] 1. Giving no offense, or provocation; causing no uneasiness, annoyance, or disturbance; as, an inoffensive man, answer, appearance. 2. Harmless; doing no injury or mischief. Dryden. 3. Not obstructing; presenting no interruption bindrance. [R.] Milton. So have Iseen a river gintly glide In a smooth course, and inoffensive tide. Addison. -- In"of*fen"sive*ly, adv. -- In"of*fen"sive*ness, n.

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