Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. நோய்த்தடுப்பு ஊசி போடு, தொற்று நோய்களைத் தடுக்க அந்நோயணுக்கள்கொண்ட மருந்தினை ஊசிமூலம் உடலிற் செலுத்து, செடியில் தளிரினை அல்லது மொட்டினைச் செருகி ஒட்டி உண்டுபண்ணு.



In*oc"u*late, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Inoculated; p. pr. & vb. n. Inoculating,.] Etym: [L. inoculatus, p.p. of inoculare to ingraft; pref. in- in,on + oculare to furnish with eyes, fr. oculus an eye, also, a bud. See Ocular.] 1. To bud; to insert, or graft, as the bud of a tree or plant in another tree or plant. 2. To insert a foreign bud into; as, to inoculate a tree. 3. (Med.) Defn: To communicate a disease to ( a person ) by inserting infectious matter in the skin or flesh; as, to inoculate a person with the virus of smallpox,rabies, etc. See Vaccinate. 4. Fig.: To introduce into the mind; -- used especially of harmful ideas or principles; to imbue; as, to inoculate one with treason or infidelity. In*oc"u*late, v. i. 1. To graft by inserting buds. 2. To communicate disease by inoculation.

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