Tamil Dictionary 🔍


In"grain`, a. Etym: [Pref. in- in + grain kermes. See Engrain, Grain.] 1. Dyed with grain, or kermes. [Obs.] 2. Dyed before manufacture, -- said of the material of a textile fabric; hence, in general, thoroughly inwrought; forming an essential part of the substance. Ingrain carpet, a double or two-ply carpet. -- Triple ingrain carpet, a three-ply carpet. In"grain`, n. Defn: An ingrain fabric, as a carpet. In"grain`, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ingrained; p. pr. & vb. n. Ingraining.] Etym: [Written also engrain.] 1. To dye with or in grain or kermes. 2. To dye in the grain, or before manufacture. 3. To work into the natural texture or into the mental or moral constitution of; to stain; to saturate; to imbue; to infix deeply. Our fields ingrained with blood. Daniel. Cruelty and jealousy seem to be ingrained in a man who has these vices at all. Helps.

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