Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. சொல்லின் முதலெழுத்து, பெயர் முதலெழுத்து, (பெயரடை) தொடக்கத்திலுள்ள, முதலிலுள்ள, தொடங்குகிற, (வினை) பெயரின் முதலெழுத்துக்களை மட்டும் குறி, முதலெழுதது மட்டும் குறித்துக் கையொப்பமிடு.முன்னெழுத்து

In*i"tial, a. Etym: [L. initialis, from initium a going in, entrance, beginning, fr. inire to go into, to enter, begin; pref. in- in + ire to go: cf. F. initial. See Issue, and cf. Commence.] 1. Of or pertaining to the beginning; marking the commencement; incipient; commencing; as, the initial symptoms of a disease. 2. Placed at the beginning; standing at the head, as of a list or series; as, the initial letters of a name. In*i"tial, n. Defn: The first letter of a word or a name. In*i"tial, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Initialed; p. pr. & vb. n. Initialing.] Defn: To put an initial to; to mark with an initial of initials. [R.] In*i"tial, a. Etym: [L. initialis, from initium a going in, entrance, beginning, fr. inire to go into, to enter, begin; pref. in- in + ire to go: cf. F. initial. See Issue, and cf. Commence.] 1. Of or pertaining to the beginning; marking the commencement; incipient; commencing; as, the initial symptoms of a disease. 2. Placed at the beginning; standing at the head, as of a list or series; as, the initial letters of a name. In*i"tial, n. Defn: The first letter of a word or a name. In*i"tial, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Initialed; p. pr. & vb. n. Initialing.] Defn: To put an initial to; to mark with an initial of initials. [R.]

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