Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. வகைதிரிபற்ற, கூரிய, தேர்வறிவற்ற, தகவறியாத.



In`dis*creet", a. Etym: [OE. indiscret, F. indiscret, fr. L. indiscretus unseparated, indiscreet. See In- not, and Discreet, and cf. Indiscrete.] Defn: Not discreet; wanting in discretion. So drunken, and so indiscreet an officer. Shak. Syn. -- Imprudent; injudicious; inconsiderate; rash; hasty; incautious; heedless; undiscerning; foolish. -- In`dis*creet"ly, adv. -- In`dis*creet"ness, n.

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