Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. செயலற்ற, வலுவற்ற, ஆற்றலற்ற, செயல் வகையற்ற, முதுமையுற்ற, தளர்ந்த, ஆண் தன்மையற்ற.



Im"po*tent, a. Etym: [F. impotent, L. impotens, -entis; pref. im- not + potens potent, powerful. See Potent.] 1. Not potent; wanting power, strength. or vigor. whether physical, intellectual, or moral; deficient in capacity; destitute of force; weak; feeble; infirm. There sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent inhis feet. Acts xiv. 8. O most lame and impotent conclusion! Shak. Not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save. Addison. 2. Wanting the power of self-restraint; incontrolled; ungovernable; violent. Impotent of tongue, her silence broke. Dryden. 3. (Med.) Defn: Wanting the power of procreation; unable to copulate; also, sometimes, sterile; barren. Im"po*tent, n. Defn: One who is imoitent. [R.] Shak.

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