Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஊறு, காயம், நோவு, தீங்கு, கேடு, (வி.) ஊறுபாடு உண்டுபண்ணு, நோவூட்டு, கேடுசெய், தீங்கிழை, துன்புறுத்து, வருத்தம் உண்டுபண்ணு, ஊறுசெய்.


#verb wound, bruise, harm, injure, damage, pain, grieve #noun harm, injury, damage, wound, detriment, mischief


#verb heal, soothe, console, repair, reinstate, compensate, benefit #noun benefit, pleasure

Hurt, n. (Mach.) (a) A band on a trip-hammer helve, bearing the trunnions. (b) A husk. See Husk, 2. Hurt, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hurt; p. pr. & vb. n. Hurting.] Etym: [OE. hurten, hirten, horten, herten; prob. fr. OF. hurter, heurter, to knock, thrust, strike, F. heurter; cf. W. hyrddu to push, drive, assault, hwrdd a stroke, blow, push; also, a ram, the orig. sense of the verb thus perhaps being, to butt as a ram; cf. D. horten to push, strike, MHG. hurten, both prob. fr. Old French.] 1. To cause physical pain to; to do bodily harm to; to wound or bruise painfully. The hurt lion groans within his den. Dryden. 2. To impar the value, usefulness, beauty, or pleasure of; to damage; to injure; to harm. Virtue may be assailed, but never hurt. Milton. 3. To wound the feelings of; to cause mental pain to; to offend in honor or self-respect; to annoy; to grieve. "I am angry and hurt." Thackeray.

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