Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. அந்தர நிலை, பறவைகளின் சிறகு விரித்து வானில் மிதந்து அமையும் நிலை, தொங்கல் நிலை, தயக்க நிலை, (வி.) சிறகு விரித்து வானில் மிதந்தமை, தொங்கல் நிலைகொள், சுற்றி வட்டமிடு, அருகாக ஊடாடு, சுற்றித் திரி, தயங்கு, ஊசலாடு.

Hov"er, n. Etym: [Etymol. doubtful.] Defn: A cover; a shelter; a protection. [Archaic] Carew. C. Kingsley. Hov"er, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Hovered; p. pr. & vb. n. Hovering.] Etym: [OE. hoveren, and hoven, prob. orig., to abide, linger, and fr. AS. hof house; cf. OFries. hovia to receive into one's house. See Hovel.] 1. To hang fluttering in the air, or on the wing; to remain in flight or floating about or over a place or object; to be suspended in the air above something. Great flights of birds are hovering about the bridge, and settling on it. Addison. A hovering mist came swimming o'er his sight. Dryden. 2. To hang about; to move to and fro near a place, threateningly, watchfully, or irresolutely. Agricola having sent his navy to hover on the coast. Milton. Hovering o'er the paper with her quill. Shak.

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