Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. தள்ளுகை, அகக்காழ்வரி, சணல்தண்டின் நடுக்காழ்ப்பகுதி, (வினை.) தள்ளு, நெருக்கு, தள்ளிக்கொண்டு போ, உந்தி இயக்கு, உந்து, துருத்து, நெருக்கியடித்துக்கொண்டுசெல், இடித்துத் தள்ளிக் கொண்டு செல், தள்ளிவிடு, நகர்த்து, நகர்த்தி வை, ஒதுக்கி வை.

Shove, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Shoved; p. pr. & vb. n. Shoving.] Etym: [OE. shoven, AS. scofian, fr. sc; akin to OFries. sk, D. schuiven, G. schieben, OHG. scioban, Icel. sk, sk, Sw. skuffa, Dan. skuffe, Goth. afskiuban to put away, cast away; cf. Skr. kshubh to become agitated, to quake, Lith. skubrus quick, skubinti to hasten. sq. root160. Cf. Sheaf a bundle of stalks, Scoop, Scuffle.] 1. To drive along by the direct and continuous application of strength; to push; especially, to push (a body) so as to make it move along the surface of another body; as, to shove a boat on the water; to shove a table across the floor. 2. To push along, aside, or away, in a careless or rude manner; to jostle. And shove away the worthy bidden guest. Milton. He used to shove and elbow his fellow servants. Arbuthnot. Shove, v. i. 1. To push or drive forward; to move onward by pushing or jostling. 2. To move off or along by an act pushing, as with an oar a pole used by one in a boat; sometimes with off. He grasped the oar,shoved from shore. Garth. Shove, n. Defn: The act of shoving; a forcible push. I rested . . . and then gave the boat another shove. Swift. Syn. -- See Thrust. Shove, obs. Defn: p. p. of Shove. Chaucer.

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