Tamil Dictionary 🔍


-1 n. தேறல் சுவையூட்டப் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் கசப்பான காய்களையுடைய தழுவிப்படரும் முசுக்கட்டையினச் செடியின் காய் வகையினால் கசப்புச் சுவையூட்டு, காய் வகையில் விளையச் செய், காய்வகை திரளப் பெறு.-2 n. ஒற்றைக்காலில் தத்துதல், நொண்டியடித்தல், துள்ளல், வான்வழிப் பயணக் கட்டம், (வி.) ஒற்றைக்காலில் தத்து, தத்தி நட, நொண்டு, நொண்டி நட, தத்துவி, நான்கு கால்களாலும் தாவிக்குதி, விமானத்திற் பற, ஊர்தி முதலியவற்றில் ஓடும்போதே தாவி ஏறு.

Hop, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Hopped; p. pr. & vb. n. Hopping.] Etym: [OE. hoppen to hop, leap, dance, AS. hoppian; akin to Icel. & Sw. hoppa, Dan. hoppe, D. huppelen, G. hüpfen.] 1. To move by successive leaps, as toads do; to spring or jump on one foot; to skip, as birds do. [Birds] hopping from spray to spray. Dryden. 2. To walk lame; to limp; to halt. Dryden. 3. To dance. Smollett. Hop, n. 1. A leap on one leg, as of a boy; a leap, as of a toad; a jump; a spring. 2. A dance; esp., an informal dance of ball. [Colloq.] Hop, skip (or step), and jump, a game or athletic sport in which the participants cover as much ground as possible by a hop, stride, and jump in succession. Addison. Hop, n. Etym: [OE. hoppe; akin to D. hop, hoppe, OHG. hopfo, G. hopfen; cf. LL. hupa, W. hopez, Armor. houpez, and Icel. humall, SW. & Dan. humle.] 1. (Bot.) Defn: A climbing plant (Humulus Lupulus), having a long, twining, annual stalk. It is cultivated for its fruit (hops). 2. The catkin or strobilaceous fruit of the hop, much used in brewing to give a bitter taste. 3. The fruit of the dog-rose. See Hip. Hop back. (Brewing) See under 1st Back. -- Hop clover (Bot.), a species of yellow clover having heads like hops in miniature (Trifolium agrarium, and T. procumbens). -- Hop flea (Zoöl.), a small flea beetle (Haltica concinna), very injurious to hops. -- Hop fly (Zoöl.), an aphid (Phorodon humuli), very injurious to hop vines. -- Hop froth fly (Zoöl.), an hemipterous insect (Aphrophora interrupta), allied to the cockoo spits. It often does great damage to hop vines. -- Hop hornbeam (Bot.), an American tree of the genus Ostrya (O.Virginica) the American ironwood; also, a European species (O. vulgaris). -- Hop moth (Zoöl.), a moth (Hypena humuli), which in the larval state is very injurious to hop vines. -- Hop picker, one who picks hops. -- Hop pole, a pole used to support hop vines. -- Hop tree (Bot.), a small American tree (Ptelia trifoliata), having broad, flattened fruit in large clusters, sometimes used as a substitute for hops. -- Hop vine (Bot.), the climbing vine or stalk of the hop. Hop, v. t. Defn: To impregnate with hops. Mortimer. Hop, v. i. Defn: To gather hops. [Perhaps only in the form Hopping, vb. n.] Hop, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Hopped; p. pr. & vb. n. Hopping.] Etym: [OE. hoppen to hop, leap, dance, AS. hoppian; akin to Icel. & Sw. hoppa, Dan. hoppe, D. huppelen, G. hüpfen.] 1. To move by successive leaps, as toads do; to spring or jump on one foot; to skip, as birds do. [Birds] hopping from spray to spray. Dryden. 2. To walk lame; to limp; to halt. Dryden. 3. To dance. Smollett. Hop, n. 1. A leap on one leg, as of a boy; a leap, as of a toad; a jump; a spring. 2. A dance; esp., an informal dance of ball. [Colloq.] Hop, skip (or step), and jump, a game or athletic sport in which the participants cover as much ground as possible by a hop, stride, and jump in succession. Addison. Hop, n. Etym: [OE. hoppe; akin to D. hop, hoppe, OHG. hopfo, G. hopfen; cf. LL. hupa, W. hopez, Armor. houpez, and Icel. humall, SW. & Dan. humle.] 1. (Bot.) Defn: A climbing plant (Humulus Lupulus), having a long, twining, annual stalk. It is cultivated for its fruit (hops). 2. The catkin or strobilaceous fruit of the hop, much used in brewing to give a bitter taste. 3. The fruit of the dog-rose. See Hip. Hop back. (Brewing) See under 1st Back. -- Hop clover (Bot.), a species of yellow clover having heads like hops in miniature (Trifolium agrarium, and T. procumbens). -- Hop flea (Zoöl.), a small flea beetle (Haltica concinna), very injurious to hops. -- Hop fly (Zoöl.), an aphid (Phorodon humuli), very injurious to hop vines. -- Hop froth fly (Zoöl.), an hemipterous insect (Aphrophora interrupta), allied to the cockoo spits. It often does great damage to hop vines. -- Hop hornbeam (Bot.), an American tree of the genus Ostrya (O.Virginica) the American ironwood; also, a European species (O. vulgaris). -- Hop moth (Zoöl.), a moth (Hypena humuli), which in the larval state is very injurious to hop vines. -- Hop picker, one who picks hops. -- Hop pole, a pole used to support hop vines. -- Hop tree (Bot.), a small American tree (Ptelia trifoliata), having broad, flattened fruit in large clusters, sometimes used as a substitute for hops. -- Hop vine (Bot.), the climbing vine or stalk of the hop. Hop, v. t. Defn: To impregnate with hops. Mortimer. Hop, v. i. Defn: To gather hops. [Perhaps only in the form Hopping, vb. n.]

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