Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. உவகை, கழிமகிழ்வு.


#noun hopelessness, despondency, desperation #verb despond, faint


#noun hopefulness, elation, anticipation, hilarity, confidence,sanguineness, expectation #verb hope, trust, confide, rely, presume, rally

Hi*lar"i*ty, n. Etym: [L. hilaritas: cf. F. hilarité. See Hilarious.] Defn: Boisterous mirth; merriment; jollity. Goldsmith. Note: Hilarity differs from joy: the latter, excited by good news or prosperity, is an affection of the mind; the former, produced by social pleasure, drinking, etc., which rouse the animal spirits, is more demonstrative. Syn. -- Glee; cheerfulness; mirth; merriment; gayety; joyousness; exhilaration; joviality; jollity.

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