Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. பரப்பரப்புடைய, விரைவுள்ள, துடுக்கான, எண்ணுமல் துணிகிற, முன்பின் பாராத, ஆய்ந்தமைவில்லாத, முன்சினமுள்ள, பதற்றமுடைய.



Has"ty, a. [Compar. Hastier; superl. Hastiest.] Etym: [Akin to D. haastig, G., Sw., & Dan. hastig. See Haste, n.] 1. Involving haste; done, made, etc., in haste; as, a hasty sketch. 2. Demanding haste or immediate action. [R.] Chaucer. "Hasty employment." Shak. 3. Moving or acting with haste or in a hurry; hurrying; hence, acting without deliberation; precipitate; rash; easily excited; eager. 4. Made or reached without deliberation or due caution; as, a hasty conjecture, inference, conclusion, etc., a hasty resolution. 5. Defn: Proceeding from, or indicating, a quick temper. Take no unkindness of his hasty words. Shak 6. Forward; early; first ripe. [Obs.] "As the hasty fruit before the summer." Is. xxviii. 4.

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