Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. சவாரிக்குதிரை, கடும்வேலை செய்பவன், கூலிக்கு உழைப்பவன், (பெ.) வாடகைக்கு விடப்பட்ட, (வி.) பொதுவாக்கு, பழகியதாக்கு, சிறுதிறமாக்கு.

Hack"ney, n.; pl. Hackneys. Etym: [OE. haceney, hacenay; cf. F. haquenée a pacing horse, an ambling nag, OF. also haquenée, Sp. hacanea, OSp. facanea, D. hakkenei, also OF. haque horse, Sp. haca, OSp. faca; perh akin to E. hack to cut, and orig. meaning, a jolting horse. Cf. Hack a horse, Nag.] 1. A horse for riding or driving; a nag; a pony. Chaucer. 2. A horse or pony kept for hire. 3. A carriage kept for hire; a hack; a hackney coach. 4. A hired drudge; a hireling; a prostitute. Hack"ney, a. Defn: Let out for hire; devoted to common use; hence, much used; trite; mean; as, hackney coaches; hackney authors. "Hackney tongue." Roscommon. Hack"ney, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hackneyed; p. pr. & vb. n. Hackneying.] 1. To devote to common or frequent use, as a horse or carriage; to wear out in common service; to make trite or commonplace; as, a hackneyed metaphor or quotation. Had I lavish of my presence been, So common-hackneyed in the eyes of men. Shak. 2. To carry in a hackney coach. Cowper.

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