Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பழக்கம், மனப்பாங்கு, உடற்பாங்கு, வளரும் வகை அல்லது முறை, மகளிர் குதிரைச் சவாரிஉடுப்பு, சமய நெறியினர் உடுப்பு, (வி.) உடையணி, உடுத்திக்கொள்.



Hab"it n. Etym: [OE. habit, abit fr. habit fr. L. habitus state, appearance, dress, fr. habere to have, be in a condition; prob. akin to E. have. See Have, and cf. Able, Binnacle, Debt, Due, Exhibit, Malady.] 1. The usual condition or state of a person or thing, either natural or acquired, regarded as something had, possessed, and firmly retained; as, a religious habit; his habit is morose; elms have a spreading habit; esp., physical temperament or constitution; as, a full habit of body. 2. (Biol.) Defn: The general appearance and manner of life of a living organism. 3. Fixed or established custom; ordinary course of conduct; practice; usage; hence, prominently, the involuntary tendency or aptitude to perform certain actions which is acquired by their frequent repetition; as, habit is second nature; also, peculiar ways of acting; characteristic forms of behavior. A man of very shy, retired habits. W. Irving. 4. Outward appearance; attire; dress; hence, a garment; esp., a closely fitting garment or dress worn by ladies; as, a riding habit. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy. Shak. There are, among the states, several of Venus, in different habits. Addison. Syn. -- Practice; mode; manner; way; custom; fashion. -- Habit, Custom. Habit is a disposition or tendency leading us to do easily, naturally, and with growing certainty, what we do often; custom is external, being habitual use or the frequent repetition of the same act. The two operate reciprocally on each other. The custom of giving produces a habit of liberality; habits of devotion promote the custom of going to church. Custom also supposes an act of the will, selecting given modes of procedure; habit is a law of our being, a kind of "second nature" which grows up within us. How use doth breed a habit in a man ! Shak. He who reigns . . . upheld by old repute, Consent, or custom. Milton. Hab"it, v. t. [ Habited; p. pr. & vb. n. Habiting.] Etym: [OE. habiten to dwell, F. habiter, fr. L. habitare to have frequently, to dwell, intens. fr. habere to have. See Habit, n.] 1. To inhabit. [Obs.] In thilke places as they [birds] habiten. Rom. of R. 2. To dress; to clothe; to array. They habited themselves lite those rural deities. Dryden. 3. To accustom; to habituate. [Obs.] Chapman.

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