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Gleek, n. Etym: [Prob. fr. Icel. leika to play, play a trick on, with the prefix ge-; akin to AS. gelacan, Sw. leka to play, Dan. lege.] 1. A jest or scoff; a trick or deception. [Obs.] Where's the Bastard's braves, and Charles his gleeks Shak. 2. Etym: [Cf. Glicke] Defn: An enticing look or glance. [Obs.] A pretty gleek coming from Pallas' eye. Beau. & Fl. Gleek, v. i. Defn: To make sport; to gibe; to sneer; to spend time idly. [Obs.] Shak. Gleek, n. Etym: [OF. glic, G. glück, fortune. See Luck.] 1. A game at cards, once popular, played by three persons. [Obs.] Pepys. Evelyn. 2. Three of the same cards held in the same hand; -- hence, three of anything. [Obs.]

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