Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. கழிபேரின்பம், வாழ்நலம், இன்னல ஆக்கம், நல்வாய்ப்புக் கூறு, பாக்கியம், சொல்லாட்சித் தகவு, இசைவு நயம், நயத்திரம்.



Fe*lic"i*ty, n.; pl. Felicities. Etym: [OE. felicite, F. félicité, fr. L. felicitas, fr. felix, -icis, happy, fruitful; akin to fetus.] 1. The state of being happy; blessedness; blissfulness; enjoyment of good. Our own felicity we make or find. Johnson. Finally, after this life, to attain everlasting joy and felicity. Book of Common Prayer. 2. That which promotes happiness; a successful or gratifying event; prosperity; blessing. the felicities of her wonderful reign. Atterbury. 3. A pleasing faculty or accomplishment; as, felicity in painting portraits, or in writing or talking. "Felicity of expression." Bp. Warburton. Syn. -- Happiness; bliss; beatitude; blessedness; blissfulness. See Happiness.

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