Tamil Dictionary 🔍


a. அவலமான, துக்கமான, அழிவுண்டாக்குகிற, வருத்தந்தோய்ந்த, இடரின் முன்னறிவிப்பான.

Dis*as"trous, a. Etym: [Cf. F. désastreux. See Disaster.] 1. Full of unpropitious stellar influences; unpropitious; ill-boding. [Obs.] The moon In dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds. Milton. 2. Attended with suffering or disaster; very unfortunate; calamitous; ill-fated; as, a disastrous day; a disastrous termination of an undertaking. Wherein I spake of most disastrous chances. Shak. -- Dis*as"trous*ly, adv. -- Dis*as"trous*ness, n.

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