Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. ஓரீற்றுப் பன்றிக்குட்டிகள், (வினை) பன்றிக்குட்டிகளை ஈனு, குட்டியிடு.

Far"row, n. Etym: [AS. fearh a little pig; a akin to OHG. farh, farah, pig, dim. farheli little pig, G. fercel, D. varken pig, Lith. parszas OIr. orc,L. porcus, Gr. Pork.] Defn: A little of pigs. Shak. Far"row, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Farrowed; p. pr. & vb. n. Farrowing.] Defn: To bring forth (young); -- said only of swine. Tusser. Far"row, a. Etym: [Cf. Scot. ferry cow a cow that is not with calf, D. vaarkoe, vaars, heifer, G. färse, AS. fearr bull, G. farre. Cf. Heifer.] Defn: Not producing young in a given season or year; -- said only of cows. Note: If a cow has had a calf, but fails in a subsequent year, she is said to be farrow, or to go farrow.

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