Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. செய்முறை, தேர்முறை, தேர்வாய்வு, சோதனை, செயல்தேர்வு, முடிவுகாண்பதற்குரிய தற்காலிக முயற்சி, (வினை) தேர்முறையாற்று, செய்முறையால் தேர்ந்து பார், சோதனை செய், செய்துபார், பலதடவை விழுந்தெழுந்து முயல்.



Ex*per"i*ment, n. Etym: [L. experimentum, fr. experiri to try: cf. OF. esperiment, experiment. See Experience.] 1. Atrial or special observation, made to confirm or disprove something doubtful; esp., one under conditions determined by the experimenter; an act or operation undertaken in order to discover some unknown principle or effect, or to test, establish, or illustrate some suggest or known truth; practical test; poof. A political experiment can not be made in a laboratory, not determinant in a few hours. J. Adams. 2. Experience. [Obs.] Adam, by sad experiment I know How little weight my words with thee can find. Milton. Ex*per"i*ment, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Experimented; p. pr. & vb. n. Experinenting.] Defn: To make experiment; to operate by test or trial; -- often with on, upon, or in, referring to the subject of an experiment; with, referring to the instrument; and by, referring to the means; as, to experiment upon electricity; he experimented in plowing with ponies, or by steam power. Ex*per"i*ment, v.t Defn: , To try; to know, perceive, or prove, by trial experience. [Obs.] Sir T. Herbert.

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