Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. அகழ், உட்குடைவாக்கு, தோண்டு, நிலம் பறி, குழிதோண்டு, பள்ளம்வெட்டு, கால்வாய் தொடு, தோண்டியெடு, மறைவிலிருந்து வௌதப்படுத்து, அகழ்வாராய்ச்சி செய்.



Ex"ca*vate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Excavated(); p. pr. & vb. n. Excavating().] Etym: [L. excavatus, p. p. of excavare to excavate; ex out + cavare to make hollow, cavus hollow. See Cave.] 1. To hollow out; to form cavity or hole in; to make hollow by cutting, scooping, or digging; as, to excavate a ball; to excavate the earth. 2. To form by hollowing; to shape, as a cavity, or anything that is hollow; as, to excavate a canoe, a cellar, a channel. 3. (Engin.) Defn: To dig out and remove, as earth. The material excavated was usually sand. E. L. Corthell. Excavating pump, a kind of dredging apparatus for excavating under water, in which silt and loose material mixed with water are drawn up by a pump. Knight.

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