Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. பொள்ளல், உட்புழை, வெறுமை, குழிவு, உள்துளை, பள்ளம், பள்ளத்தாக்கு, வடிநிலம், (பெ.) குழிவான, பள்ளமான, புழையுள்ள, திடமற்ற, கெட்டியாயிராத, வெறுமையான, உள்ளீடில்லாத, வயிற்றில் ஒன்றுமற்ற, பசியுடைய, ஒலிவகையில் முழுத்தொனி அமையப்பெற்றிராத, வஞ்சகமான, வாய்மையற்ற, போலியான, பொய்யான, பொருளற்ற, அறிவற்ற, பண்பற்ற, (வி.) துளையிடு, உட்டுளையுடையதாகச் செய், அகழ், குடை, தோண்டு, (வினையடை) முழுவதும், தீர.



Hol"low, a. Etym: [OE. holow, holgh, holf, AS. holh a hollow, hole. Cf. Hole.] 1. Having an empty space or cavity, natural or artificial, within a solid substance; not solid; excavated in the interior; as, a hollow tree; a hollow sphere. Hollow with boards shalt thou make it. Ex. xxvii. 8.. 2. Depressed; concave; gaunt; sunken. With hollow eye and wrinkled brow. Shak. 3. Reverberated from a cavity, or resembling such a sound; deep; muffled; as, a hollow roar. Dryden. 4. Not sincere or faithful; false; deceitful; not sound; as, a hollow heart; a hollow friend. Milton. Hollow newel (Arch.), an opening in the center of a winding staircase in place of a newel post, the stairs being supported by the wall; an open newel; also, the stringpiece or rail winding around the well of such a staircase. -- Hollow quoin (Engin.), a pier of stone or brick made behind the lock gates of a canal, and containing a hollow or recess to receive the ends of the gates. -- Hollow root. (Bot.) See Moschatel. -- Hollow square. See Square. -- Hollow ware, hollow vessels; -- a trade name for cast-iron kitchen utensils, earthenware, etc. Syn.- Concave; sunken; low; vacant; empty; void; false; faithless; deceitful; treacherous. Hol"low, n. 1. A cavity, natural or artificial; an unfilled space within anything; a hole, a cavern; an excavation; as the hollow of the hand or of a tree. 2. A low spot surrounded by elevations; a depressed part of a surface; a concavity; a channel. Forests grew Upon the barren hollows. Prior. I hate the dreadful hollow behind the little wood. Tennyson. Hol"low, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hollowed; p. pr. & vb. n. Hollowing.] Defn: To make hollow, as by digging, cutting, or engraving; to excavate. "Trees rudely hollowed." Dryden. Hol"low, adv. Defn: Wholly; completely; utterly; -- chiefly after the verb to beat, and often with all; as, this story beats the other all hollow. See All, adv. [Collog.] The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turks hollow in the struggle for existence. Darwin. Hol*low", interj. Etym: [See Hollo.] Defn: Hollo. Hol"low, v. i. Defn: To shout; to hollo. Whisperings and hollowings are alike to a deaf ear. Fuller. Hol"low, v. t. Defn: To urge or call by shouting. He has hollowed the hounds. Sir W. Scott.

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