Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. சினங்கிளறிவிடு, எரிச்சலுட்டு, கடுப்புண்டுபண்ணு, நோவுபெருக்கு, மேலும் மோசமாக்கு, தீமையில் தூண்டிவிடு.

Ex*as"per*ate, a. Etym: [L. exasperatus, p. p. of exsasperare to roughen, exasperate; ex out (intens.) + asperare to make rough, asper rough. See Asperity.] Defn: Exasperated; imbittered. [Obs.] Shak. Like swallows which the exasperate dying year Sets spinning. Mrs. Browning. Ex*as"per*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Exsasperated; p. pr. & vb. n. Exasperating.] 1. To irritate in a high degree; to provoke; to enrage; to exscite or to inflame the anger of; as, to exasperate a person or his feelings. To exsasperate them against the king of France. Addison. 2. To make grievous, or more grievous or malignant; to aggravate; to imbitter; as, to exasperate enmity. To exasperate the ways of death. Sir T. Browne. Syn. -- To irritate; provoke. See Irritate.

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