Tamil Dictionary 🔍


v. நாடுவிட்டுப் பிறநாட்டிற் சென்று குடியேறு, குடியேறுதற்கு உதவு, (பே-வ.) இருப்பிடம் மாற்று.

Em"i*grate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Emigrated; p. pr. & vb. n. Emigrating.] Etym: [L. emigratus, p. p. of emigrare to remove, emigrate; e out + migrare to migrate. See Migrate.] Defn: To remove from one country or State to another, for the purpose of residence; to migrate from home. Forced to emigrate in a body to America. Macaulay. They [the Huns] were emigrating from Tartary into Europe in the time of the Goths. J. H. Newman. Em"i*grate, a. Defn: Migratory; roving. [Obs.]

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