Tamil Dictionary 🔍


n. நாடுவிட்டுக் குடிபெயர்ந்து செல்பவர், வௌதயேறிப்போகிறவர், (பெ.)நாடுவிட்டுக் குடிபெயர்ந்து செல்கிற, குடிபெயர்ந்த.

Em"i*grant, a. Etym: [L. emigrans, -antis, p. pr. of emigrare to emigrate: cf. F. émigrant. See Emigrate, v. i.] 1. Removing from one country to another; emigrating; as, an emigrant company or nation. 2. Pertaining to an emigrant; used for emigrants; as, an emigrant ship or hospital. Em"i*grant, n. Defn: One who emigrates, or quits one country or region to settle in another. Syn. -- Emigrant, Immigrant. Emigrant and emigration have reference to the country from which the migration is made; the correlative words immigrant and immigration have reference to the country into which the migration is made, the former marking the going out from a country, the latter the coming into it.

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